McLendon Minority Leadership Initiative

The purpose of the McLendon Minority Leadership Initiative (MLI) is to provide minorities a jump-start to their careers through practical experiences, opportunities to build their network, and instilling the values of John McLendon: Integrity, Education, Leadership, and Mentorship.
MLI is a new program under the umbrella of the John McLendon Foundation. It is a coach-driven program to create access to and opportunity for meaningful employment experience for minority candidates - known as MLI Future Leaders - and enhancing their career options. Candidates must have a bachelor’s degree to apply.
Coaches participating in the initiative are Ambassadors of the program and will serve as mentors to the Future Leaders on their campuses. As an added value, The Joel Cornette Foundation will assist the Future Leaders with corporate mentorship, development, and job placement.
Coaches participating in the initiative are Ambassadors of the program and will serve as mentors to the Future Leaders on their campuses. As an added value, The Joel Cornette Foundation will assist the Future Leaders with corporate mentorship, development, and job placement.
- Beginning August 1st, 2020, all Future Leader positions will be available for applications.
- All postings will have a thorough description of the specific job duties at each respective athletics department.
- Positions are uniquely created and tailored to the needs of the respective athletic department and expected to be in but not limited to the following fields: Business Operations, Communications, Compliance, Equipment, Facilities, Finance, Donor & Gifting, Game Management, Human Resources, Marketing, Team-Specific Roles, Ticketing, and Video & Content Creation.
The McLendon Minority Leadership Initiative is a coach-driven program. Are you a college coach looking to bring an MLI Future Leader to your campus?
Interested coaches can contact Alex Land of G3 Marketing for additional information.
Email Alex

Interested coaches can contact Alex Land of G3 Marketing for additional information.

We are actively seeking corporate partners to help fund additional Future Leader positions and create access to and opportunity for meaningful employment experience for minority candidates.
For more information, click here. Interested companies can contact Eric Liebler of G3 Marketing.
Email Eric

For more information, click here. Interested companies can contact Eric Liebler of G3 Marketing.

Learning Outcomes
Future Leaders will enhance their understanding of how to excel at job interviews.
Future Leaders will enlarge their personal and professional networks.
Decision Making
Future Leaders will gain additional experience in making decisions that impact organizations.
Future Leaders will augment their leadership skills and have opportunities to practice leading and managing.
Career Planning
Future Leaders will receive guidance from mentors that will help continue their vocational success.